
5 Fun Bachelorette Party Games To Make for an Interesting Evening


A bachelorette party is the first time the bride’s closest friends and family come together to celebrate the future bride and the overall wedding. Most of the time, the bachelorette party is the first time long lost friends and family members are reunited, as well as people from different walks of the bride’s life meet each other. That being said, every bachelorette party should include a variety of games to break the ice, reunite some people, and ultimately celebrate the bride. That being said, checks out our list of the top five games to play at a bachelorette party to make things interesting. 

1. Scavenger Hunt

A scavenger hunt is a great way to get people moving, talking, and drinking. While there are tons of scavenger hunt spreadsheets online, a scavenger hunt is the ultimate customizable bachelorette party games.

Typically, a bachelorette scavenger hunt includes buying a shot for the bride to be, taking a selfie with a bachelor party, and finding a guy that has the same name as the groom. Each challenge is worth a certain point and members of the party work in teams. At the end of the scavenger hunt, each team has to take a shot for their uncompleted tasks.

2. Kiss Arts and Crafts

This is a simple and quick, yet fun bachelorette party game that the bride will be able to keep and use for years to come. Simply get a frame, decorate it however you want to, just make sure it includes the phrase, “Kiss the Miss Goodbye” on it. Then, have each person at the party put on lipstick and kiss the picture so their lips print onto it.

3. How Well Do You Know

Out of all the bachelorette party games, this is ultimately the most customizable. You can turn a simple “How Well Do You Know the Bachelorette” into a competitive three-part game that also includes “How Well Do You Know the Bachelor” and “How Well Do You Know the Couple”. Simply make a list of questions relevant to each round, such as when the bachelorette’s birthday is. After each round, guests have to take a shot for each question they missed.

4. Find the Rings

Find the Rings is one of the simplest, yet most fun bachelorette party games. Simply hide a designated amount of rings around the venue where you’re hosting the bachelorette party. Then, have guests search for the rings. Ultimately, whoever finds the most rings by the allotted time wins. If you want to include drinking, you could divide the guests into teams to find the rings and the team that loses has to drink their chosen drinks for however many rings were hidden. For example, if guests had to find 30 rings, then the losing team would drink for 30 seconds.

5. Photo Challenge

A great bachelorette party game to get guests to interact with each other and other people is the photo challenge. Simply write a list of photos guests have to take throughout the night or an allotted amount of time. For example, guests could have to take a picture with someone in a white dress, high-fiving a police officer, or drinking with a married couple. At the end of the challenge, guests have to take a shot for each uncompleted task. Not only is this game fun and interactive, but you could print the photos out after the party and give it to the bride.