
Creating A Wedding Invitation Online

Your invitation will be the first glimpse you give your guests about the style of your wedding. You should therefore make sure that your invitations reflect your vision for this special day while avoiding making a few mistakes. For example, to personalize your wedding invitation, you can use classic text or write your own. As for the design of this one, unless you have some graphic design skills, we advise you not to try to create your own design but rather to choose an existing template that represents your personalities and the tone you want to give to your wedding. Finally, whatever you do, remember that a wedding invitation expresses your joy in sharing this unique day with your guests.


In store or online, you will find many sources of inspiration for your invitation cards. By browsing the wedding invitation sites you will surely find the style that will best reflect your wedding. Online there are hundreds of templates that you can customize to suit your theme. Most sites offer many options: free samples, free personalized trial, touch-ups included, etc. You can save the dates wedding and have the best cards available there.

The Recipients

The guest list deserves your full attention. Make a list of friends and family to send your invitations to while remembering to count each couple or family as one invitation. To avoid any confusion, be sure to differentiate between “announcement announcements” and “invitation announcements” and know to whom you are addressing them. Also remember to attach to the invitations, in other words a reply card. Practical and useful for you and your guests, you can add questions that will facilitate the organization of your wedding, such as the number of children, allergies and diets of each, etc.


In general, allow two to three weeks for your invitations to be printed and delivered to your home. To save time, also remember to print the return address on the envelopes. Another sensitive point: the spelling of the names and surnames of your guests. Avoid scratching their surname as much as possible, including having a family member check the spelling with you.


Read yourself again and ask at least three other people to read the texts to be printed on the invitation. Proofreading is an essential step. Take your time because the slightest typo can cost you dearly.

The Style

For the design of the invitation, you will need to pay attention to the color and size of the font. A simple font allows more words to be put on the invitation while other fonts are only readable in larger sizes. When choosing a font, be sure to look at the initials of your names. If you like your initials in a font, you’ll like the look on your wedding invitation.