Dream Wedding Invitations Are Easier To Have Than You Think

Dream Wedding Invitations Are Easier To Have Than You Think

Dream Wedding Invitations are easy to have if you know how to do them right. This article takes you through the steps necessary to create your dream wedding invitations and lets you know where to start so that you can get your dream wedding invitations in just a few short steps.

How to Choose The Best Cardstock

The weight, finish, and texture of your cardstock are important factors to consider when choosing the best paper for your wedding invitations. Heavier weight cardstock is more durable and can be used for multi-layered designs.

A glossy or matte finish will give your invitations a different look and feel, so choose the one that best fits your vision. If you want your invitations to have a luxurious feel, opt for thicker paper with a velvety texture. Alternatively, if you’re looking for an elegant touch but don’t want the extra bulk, try using a thinner textured paper.

In order to find out which type of paper is right for you, take into consideration what kind of invitation design style you’re going for and how many layers there will be in your invitation suite. Remember: It’s always better to buy too much than not enough.

Paper quality varies by manufacturer and every project has its own needs. Be sure to test out your chosen paper before purchasing large quantities, as it may not work well with certain printer models.

Best Paper for Envelopes for Wedding Invitations

The best paper for envelopes for wedding invitations is cardstock which is at least 80 lb. The weight of the paper will help to ensure that your invitations are thick and durable enough to withstand the rigors of mailing.

Plus, a heavier paper will also give your invitations a more luxurious feel. If you want to go even further, you can choose a paper that has a bit of texture to it, like vellum or linen. These papers will add an extra layer of sophistication to your invitations.

You might be wondering how much weight your invitations need to have in order to make them too heavy for someone to open with one hand. Well, it really depends on what you put inside the envelope. If there are just a few sheets of paper inside, then they won’t weigh very much so you don’t need anything higher than 120lb cardstock.

However, if there’s something thicker like photos or ribbon inside then you should consider going up in weight because these items could cause the envelope to become too heavy with less-durable paper.

In either case, if the thickness of your invitation (including any inserts) exceeds 1/4 inch then you should use a specialty envelope that is designed for large cards instead of using regular letter-sized envelopes.

Dream Wedding Invitations Designs

A lot of people think that dream wedding invitations are only available to those with a lot of money. This is not the case! There are many ways to get beautiful, unique invitations without spending a fortune. Do some research and you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to find exactly what you’re looking for.

Even if you don’t have your own personal printer, there are companies out there who will print them for you – in many cases at a very affordable price. Research prices on different wedding websites before settling on one.

If you’re looking for something less traditional, such as paperless invitations, or something modern like an invitation that’s downloadable or can be sent via text message, do some research on which company offers these types of invitations.

Many times, if you purchase cheaper invites they won’t last long enough to use or they will look tacky compared to their higher-priced counterparts. For example, if you buy glitter cards and they’re made of lower-quality materials, then your guests might end up seeing the glue on the backside of the card.

And while this might not seem important now, later down the road when you want to preserve all of your memories, this could really affect how nice your album looks.

Different Types of Envelopes For Your DIY Wedding Invitation

If you’re planning a DIY wedding, you’re probably looking for ways to save money. One way to do that is to make your own wedding invitations. But where do you start? Envelopes are a good place.

Here are different types of envelopes you can use for your DIY wedding invitation -Foldover: Foldover cards are perfect for handmade wedding invitations and work best with heavier cardstock.

The foldover envelope has two flaps that fold over the front side of the card (it’s like an open envelope). When sealed with glue or tape, they have a clean edge and the flap protects the inside from dirt or moisture.

-Clasp: Clasp envelopes have a more elegant feel than regular square envelopes and they come in more colors than other types of envelopes. The clasp also comes in two styles: roll-top and push-through clasp. Roll-top clasps are folded back on themselves and then glued.

Push-through clasps have a tiny opening on one end which is pushed all the way through to seal it shut. Both styles of clasps can be used for DIY wedding invitations.

-Square: Square envelopes are traditionally used by people who want their homemade invites to look professional and store-bought. They come in many sizes, shapes, designs, and color options. Some square envelopes require you to purchase an adhesive strip separately, but others already have it included as part of the package.