
The Right Jewelry Items You Cannot Ignore

There are the tips and articles to choose well his original or luxury costume jewelry according to his morphology. If we consider the number of accessories that the woman uses to adorn an outfit the list could be very long. Only there is one particularly pampered with the feminine which is the jewel. You can go for the artisan rings  in this case.

Which brand of jewelry to choose?

A woman or a man chooses his jewels with care to grant them with taste because they will be the accessory which will personalize in the best their outfit. They are the touch sensitive or colorful of a daily or ordinary outfit. Now some women will be more committed to choosing their creative jewelry according to their personality, the occasion, the fashion trends or the outfit they wear. But do not worry about the different articles you will find on this blog, you will learn how to choose a ring or choose a bracelet but also know what jewelry for what morphology.

How to choose your costume jewelry?

The world of beauty and fashion has codes that help to identify different types of personalities according to the forms. There are 7 reference shapes to the silhouette such as the circle, the square, the high rectangle, the wide rectangle, the high triangle, the low triangle and the diamond. Each of them is connected to specific traits of a woman’s personality. The circle is linked to round silhouettes for a personality who seeks emotional and moral security. In this case you choose a round pearl necklace and round shaped rings is the main bohemian jewelry in his jewelry box. A square-shaped appearance expresses a personality that seeks stability and innovation. The ring will preferably be prominent and the pearl necklace often neglected. The shape of the top rectangle calls for an energetic and spiritual personality. Then there are the tungsten wedding bands also that you can go for.

Which jewelry to choose?

The jewels will be chosen purple or red color in rectangular shape. The wide rectangle shape is a sign of a sensitive personality but often masked by a hard look. The jewels are rectangular yellow or gold. The high triangle shape is a sign of a very creative personality. Trendy jewelry is chosen for its originality and asymmetry.  Choosing the Mens wedding bands is easy in this case as well.

Which jewelry to choose for which outfit?

The low triangle shape calls for a stable and extroverted personality. Silver craft jewelry often has a touch of originality or even a small grain of madness. The shape of the rhombus is the sign of the dynamic personality but also fragile. Diamond shaped jewelry is often of a classic style. Choose your jewelry according to the occasion. At each exit we always try to highlight its outfit by a jewel that everyone will notice. A family invitation often brings us to wear a classic jewel but will be noticed by its color. A romantic outing will rather impose a discreet jewel. We try to get to know each other and to reveal his personality gradually. An outing with friends directs us more easily to the jewels that remind us of good memories like the holidays or a weekend getaway.