
Best Choices for the Finer Options of Microblading

Find out what is the technique for filling the eyebrows, the average time of its duration and the difference between it and the micropigmentation wire by wire. Also, learn more about the price, post-procedure care, courses and several before and after photos.


  • Aesthetics changes a lot, with time. Among these changes, the eyebrows have gone through different shapes, thicknesses and lengths.
  • Each season, each fashion highlights strands that are more arched or straight, apparent or discreet, longer or shorter.
  • Thus, the look of the eyebrow went from rounded, thin and short, in the 1990s and 2000s, to more arched, thick and long, in recent years.

1990s eyebrow

But, how to recover the shape of the wires that were pulled out? How to fill in the eyebrow spaces? How to increase the length of the hair and the design?

Well, to get into fashion with a very beautiful eyebrow, all filled in and well outlined, thick and at the right length, some very nice aesthetic procedures were developed. In addition, the techniques for redrawing the wires have evolved from time to time and, thus, produce an increasingly professional and natural result.

Microblading before and after

After all, the eyebrows are the frame of the face and an important point of expression of emotions and reactions. Therefore, for such an important region of our body and image, any procedure has to be done very well.

Thus, the eyebrow design appears as a way to remodel and clean the strands of the region, but it is unable to naturally fill the strands that are missing.

Micropigmentation appears as a more durable alternative and to cover flaws, but it can reach a less refined result and click here for Microblading Supplies

What is Microblading?

Microblading is a pigmentation technique of the eyebrow region, in order to reshape its shape, correct the thickness and adjust the length.

In other words, using a kind of paint totally suited to your personal coloring, the micropigmenter will redraw and “paint” the eyebrow strands.

What is microblading

For this, a qualified professional will evaluate the face and, thus, arrive at the best possible design by studying the proportions and lines of the face.

And, to do this redesign, she will use a device called Tebori – which we will talk about in more detail, ahead.

What is microblading

So, ensure a beautiful eyebrow for much longer with the microblading technique. Want to know how it works? Follow up with us.

Wire to Wire Microblading

As we have seen so far, the microblading technique works to shape the eyebrows, leaving them in the best shape, thickness and length possible.

Microblading before and after

This happens in a personalized way, through the study and analysis of your face, guaranteeing an incredible result, in a very natural way.

Now, let’s demonstrate the step by step of how the procedure happens. We will see?

Marking and Drawing

Marking is a crucial moment for microblading. From there, the professional will study all the lines of your face that are necessary to form a beautiful design of the eyebrows. After the millimeter measurement, using a tool called a caliper, a new design is formed on the face. And more than just any shape, they are symmetrical and perfectly suited to your face type.